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Illustration of the female reproductive system

The Myth of ‘Biology Is Not Destiny’

Our bodies have been used against us since Eve plucked the apple from the tree. Our lives are constrained by our biological functions from periods to pregnancy to menopause. These are things that only happen to females. To pretend otherwise is risible.

Why does Amnesty want to silence women like me?

You know you are in the Upside Down when a famous human-rights organisation petitions your government to disenfranchise you and members of your group, to stop you from engaging in peaceful actions and voicing your concerns and opinions.

Accusations of transphobia stifle much-needed debate

By Stella O’Malley for The Sunday Independent

As the UK rules on puberty blockers, we must have an open discussion to protect vulnerable children, writes Stella O’Malley.

Now that the High Court in London has judged that it is no longer appropriate to use experimental treatment paths on gender- dysphoric children, the ethics of prescribing puberty blockers are being reassessed in other countries around the world.